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What Distinguishes Us from Other Advisors

What Distinguishes Us from Other Advisors

April 14, 2016

One of the best ways to determine if a financial advisor is right for you is to do your research. To help you with yours, we've outlined a few ways we're different from other advisors.

1. Other advisors’ financial counsel may not provide the holistic, stewardship-based type of counsel that ours does.

2.  Most of the time, other advisors’ financial planning is not nearly as comprehensive as what we do. While their planning usually focuses only or primarily on retirement planning, investments and asset allocation, ours focuses on those important topics as well as:

      • Risk Management to help protect you and your loved ones from unknowable events such as a premature death, disability, and/or long term healthcare costs.
      • Estate Planning (including Zero Estate and IRD Tax Planning).
      • Asset Protection(from Creditors and Predators) and
      • Strategic and Tactical Tax Planning (These two are especially uncommon in the marketplace and can save our clients a significant amount of money in taxes.)

3. We are fee-based, meaning that we charge a fee for planning and asset managements so that our interests are aligned with yours.

4. We are keenly aware of the market cycle when making recommendations. Bear markets can be likened to hurricanes…we may not get one every year, but the smart money is prepared for when one does hit.  When appropriate, we use tactical managers who play good defense as well as good offense.

5.  Our level of expertise is very high; which is why many High Income Executives and High Net Worth individuals (with assets in the tens and hundreds of millions) trust and rely on us. It is also why many major ministries introduce their top donors to us. Yet, we can scale our services to match the needs of most every lifestyle…you don’t need millions of dollars to find proven value in our services.

6. All of the information you share with us will be totally confidential and our counsel will be 100% unbiased, focused on what is best for you and your family’s well-being.